Thanks to the generous contributions of individuals like you, we were able to meet our goal of $90,000.  With the matching funds we now have a grand total of $181,973.09 to advance projects that emphasize community-led sustainable development in the Peruvian Altiplano!

A total of 103 individuals across the globe came together to support The Chijnaya Foundation in our efforts to provide technical and development assistance to communities in the Andean highlands. These funds will allow us to continue efforts in the areas of agriculture, health, small industry, traditional crafts, rural tourism, community services, and environmental sustainability. They all have the common focus of improving the well-being of the communities with whom we partner.

This support demonstrates the power of individuals who join together to achieve a common goal. We are confident that the Chijnaya family along with our Peruvian partner organization, Pro DIA will continue to positively impact the lives of many across the Puno region.

None of these efforts would be possible without your support. Thank you!

In partnership,
Susie Bourque – Board President
Makensie Brown – General Operations Manager

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