On the heels of our recently concluded annual board meeting,  I want to be the first to share with you the incredible progress and impact that we’ve achieved with your longstanding support at The Chijnaya Foundation.

I’m proud to share our 2022-2023 Impact Report, which highlights the achievements, successes, and transformative changes brought about by our collective efforts to work in partnership with rural communities in Southern Peru to design and implement self-sustaining projects over the past two years. Your commitment has been instrumental in driving positive change, and we are immensely grateful.

Some milestones highlighted in this report include:

  • $614,900 invested by 26 communities in projects to improve their income generating activities and family economy.
  • A total of $294,333 saved and invested by 16 savings groups and community banks
  • 652 scholarships awarded to students from 27 communities in the Altiplano since 2007.
  • 8 schools received educational, remedial, and preventative dental activities in 2022 and 2023.

I invite you to join us once again in making a lasting impact. Your support has been the driving force behind these achievements, and with your continued partnership, we can do even more in 2024.

In partnership,

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