Donate now

Planned Giving

You can make a planned gift by naming The Chijnaya Foundation as a beneficiary in your will. A planned gift will continue your legacy of generosity beyond your lifetime and  support projects in  southern Peru long into the future. 

Appreciated Stock

This is a donation of stock that has increased in value since it was purchased. Donating appreciated stock can provide tax benefits for you and can help us keep the full value of the donation

IRA Charitable Rollover

You can make a difference while also reducing your tax liability! If you are 73 or older and own an IRA, the IRA Charitable Rollover allows you to make a charitable gift and satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).

Charitable Gift Annuity

This is essentially a contract between a you, the donor and us, a charity, that provides you with a fixed income for life in exchange for a donation to the foundation.

Other Ways to Give

Shop at Ebay and Kroger to donate at no extra cost to you! You can also start a fundraiser, give monthly, create a named scholarship, or make a tribute gift. There are so many different ways that you can get involved and help us make a difference.

Donating by Mail

            If you would like to donate by mail,                       please make checks payable to                   The Chijnaya Foundation and send to:

The Chijnaya Foundation
1717 E. Vista Chino Rd, #A7-488
Palm Springs, CA 92262


Donating from Outside the US

If you are having trouble donating from outside of the US through our donation portal, email [email protected] for assistance.

Our Tax ID Number

The Chijnaya Foundation’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 20-3136350

Chijnaya Foundation, Dear Friends


  • $300 can provide an artisan with capital to invest in the materials they will need to make and sell pottery for the year
  • $400 can provide a family with a solar thermal water heater
  • $450 can help a cattle herder build a shed to protect their animals from the harsh weather conditions and lead to increased milk production
  • $800 can provide a scholarship to support the studies of a university student for a year

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