Happy New Year to Friends of The Chijnaya Foundation,

As we enter 2017, we look forward with enthusiasm to a year of collaboration with the people in our communities on the Altiplano. We know that they are eager to get to work on projects which will improve the quality of life for their families. Together we will make a difference. The Foundation’s volunteer Board and our small, devoted staff in Peru are all fully engaged.

From the applications already submitted, we will select 50 village youths this month to receive the scholarships that will enable them to pursue a university education. Their classes will begin in March. At the same time, we will be exploring ways to improve local primary schools in our communities.

Dr. María del Carmen, who is in charge of our oral health program (Kusi Kiru, “Happy Teeth” in the Quechua language), has submitted her work plan for 2017. She will hold clinics in remote villages in our network and carry out dental health promotion activities in the communities throughout the year.

With adequate support, we will be implementing projects such as the following examples as part of our microfinance program:

  • Portable shelters to protect the lives of baby alpacas – Community: Alto Pucarayllo
  • Purchase of alpaca breeding stock for herding families – Community: Coarita
  • Construction of cattle feeding troughs – Community: Queñuani Alto
  • Smoke-Free stoves to protect the health of women and children – Communities: various
  • Small-scale irrigation systems to increase crop production – Communities: Jallahua, Pucachupa
  • Ceramic production equipment – Community/Association: Exaltación in J. D. Choquehuanca.

In addition, our project director, Jhuver Aguirre, monitors the rotating funds in more than 20 communities. These funds finance projects each year that help hundreds of families. He helps the communities to plan projects which utilize the funds as efficiently and effectively as possible.

From all of us at The Chijnaya Foundation, we hope you and your loved ones have a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

Gratefully yours,

Ralph Bolton,
Founder & President
The Chijnaya Foundation

P.S. In the past we sometimes neglected to keep our website up-to-date because we were so busy implementing projects in the field. The Foundation is, after all, a volunteer organization keenly focused on getting things done on the ground in Peru. However, we are excited about the Foundation’s new website where we will be posting updates on our activities on a regular basis. Please check it out for more information: https://www.chijnayafoundation.org.

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