**Este boletín esta disponbile en español abajo
The Annual Meeting and Incorporation of New Communities and Organizations to the Pro-DIA Network
Like every year, during the third week of January, the XVII Annual Meeting of the Chijnaya Foundation – partner organization of the Pro DIA Association – was held. The board of directors and employees of both organizations participated in the meeting.
During this important event, the organizations reviewed the work carried out during 2021, as well as new projects for the current year 2022, with which our commitment to inter-institutional collaboration is reaffirmed. We are pleased to be able to announce the inclusion of new communities and organizations to the Pro DIA Network, including:
- Association of Agricultural Producers APU OSEQUEPA of the Community of Angara Alto (district of Pucara).
- Association of Kantuta Women Entrepreneurs of the Community of Escallani (district of Capachica).
- Association of Agricultural Producers Virgen de Fátima of the Community of Jupari (district of Nicasio).
- Community of Villa Orinojon (Amantani district).
- Community of Incatiana (District of Amantani).
The approved projects will be announced to their authorities, for subsequent coordination with the beneficiaries for project implementation.

New Town of Pucará

Since last year, the District Municipality of Pucara, in coordination with the Asociación Pro Vivienda – Pucara – Lampa, has been carrying out coordination and activities related to the subdivision of land surrounding Pucara, specifically in the northern area, on the way to Cusco. They are calling this new area the “New Town of Pucara.”
A public call has been made so that the residents and local institutions benefit from a plot of land – either in the urban area or in the industrial area – for which a series of documents and other criteria are required from the interested parties. This call has had a massive response from the different neighborhoods of Pucara, surrounding communities and organizations, who have expressed their interest in being able to access one of the aforementioned lots.
The distribution of the land has already been carried out according to the existing plan for the new town, in which there is a central square and a new municipal premises, as well as a layout of streets and pathways that will allow the organization of the different properties.
Stay tuned for more updates about the “New Town of Pucara”.

Return to Presential Classes for Basic Education at the National Level
On the verge of the start of the school year scheduled for next March 28, the Ministry of Education has been adopting a series of measures and strategies that allow the return to school classrooms with the dictation of face-to-face classes for Regular Basic Education students – initial, primary and secondary – in the different educational institutions nationwide.
With a limited budget for the implementation of biosafety measures for the prevention of Covid – 19, the educational authorities of public schools face the challenge of being able to plan in advance actions that guarantee a safe return to presential classes.
Throughout the month of February, the different Local Education Management Units will carry out supervision to identify critical points and/or deficiencies in infrastructure, so that these can be corrected before March 28th. Likewise, awareness-raising in vaccination against Covid-19 in minors will continue.
Currently in the education institutions in Pucara, educational recovery activities are being carried out as a strategy to help students who have not managed to complete their class requirements, so that they can advance to the next level of studies and begin the new school year in an optimal position.
Sobre la Reunión Anual e Incorporacion ee Nuevas Comunidades u Organizaciones a la Red Pro DIA
Como cada año, durante la tercera semana del pasado mes de enero se llevó a cabo la XVII Reunión Anual de la Fundación Chijnaya (USA) – entidad aliada y cooperante de la Asociación Pro DIA -actividad que se contó con la presencia de los Directivos y miembros del equipo de trabajo de ambas organizaciones.
Con ocasión de tan importante evento se hizo la presentación de los distintos reportes e informes de trabajo realizados durante el año 2021 así como de nuevos proyectos para el presente año 2022, con el que se reafirma nuestro compromiso de trabajo y colaboración mutua interinstitucional.
En ese sentido, estamos contentos de poder saludar y anunciar la inclusión de nuevas comunidades u organizaciones a nuestra Red Pro DIA, a quienes damos la bienvenida, esto es:
- Asociacion de Productores Agropecuarios APU OSEQUEPA de la Comunidad de Angara Alto (distrito de Pucara).
- Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras Kantuta de la Comunidad de Escallani (distrito de Capachica).
- Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios Virgen de Fátima de la Comunidad de Jupari (distrito de Nicasio).
- Comunidad de Villa Orinojon (distrito de Amantani).
- Comunidad de Incatiana (distrito de Amantani).
Los proyectos aprobados serán anunciados a sus autoridades, para la posterior coordinación con los beneficiarios y ejecución de los mismos.

Nuevo Pueblo de Pucara

La Municipalidad Distrital de Pucara en coordinación con la Asociación Pro Vivienda – Pucara –Lampa, desde el año pasado vienen realizando coordinaciones y actividades referidas a la lotización y habilitación de terrenos circundantes a Pucara, específicamente en la zona norte (salida Cusco), a la cual han denominado “Nuevo Pueblo de Pucara.”
Se ha realizado la convocatoria pública para que los pobladores e instituciones locales se vean beneficiados con un lote de terreno – ya sea en la zona urbana o en la zona industrial – para lo cual a los interesados se les ha exigido una serie de documentos y requisitos formales. Esta convocatoria ha tenido una respuesta masiva por parte de los distintos barrios de Pucara, comunidades aledañas y organizaciones, quienes han manifestado su interés de poder acceder a uno de los referidos lotes.
A la fecha y en distintas etapas ya se ha venido realizando la entrega de los terrenos, para lo cual se ha considerado la distribución de acuerdo a la documentación gráfica (planos) existente que se tienen proyectados al respecto, en el que se cuenta con una plaza central y un nuevo local municipal, así como una disposición de calles y vías que permitirán la organización de los distintos predios.
Estaremos a la expectativa de las futuras novedades que se tengan sobre el “Nuevo Pueblo de Pucara”.

Retorno a las Clases Presenciales en la Educación Basica Regular a Nivel Nacional
On the verge of the start of the school year scheduled for next March 28, the Ministry of Education has been adopting a series of measures and strategies that allow the return to school classrooms with the dictation of face-to-face classes for Regular Basic Education students – initial, primary and secondary – in the different educational institutions nationwide.
With a limited budget for the implementation of biosafety measures for the prevention of Covid – 19, the educational authorities of public schools face the challenge of being able to plan in advance actions that guarantee a safe return to presential classes.
Throughout the month of February, the different Local Education Management Units will carry out supervision to identify critical points and/or deficiencies in infrastructure, so that these can be corrected before March 28th. Likewise, awareness-raising in vaccination against Covid-19 in minors will continue.
Currently in the education institutions in Pucara, educational recovery activities are being carried out as a strategy to help students who have not managed to complete their class requirements, so that they can advance to the next level of studies and begin the new school year in an optimal position.