Since July 1st you have helped us raise $85,726! The first $75K of this was MATCHED and DOUBLED leading to a grand total of $160,726.
Your donations will support the continuance of public health initiatives in response to COVID-19, provide scholarships to students from rural communities to pursue higher education, and fund community-led projects that will help offset the effects of the economic crisis and support their long-term goals. Because of your support the communities of Mallajasi and Ccotos will begin implementing their projects this month!
Peru extended quarantines in high-risk regions at the beginning of September. Puno, the region where our partner office is located, was one of the regions that went back into a month-long quarantine due to a significant increase in COVID cases. Although the team in Peru has had to work remotely, they continued to provide communities with reliable and accessible information related to COVID-19 via the weekly radio broadcasts. In addition, the team has been able to implement several economic development projects and organized virtual events for the scholarship program.
Your Support Has Made a Huge Impact
The rural tourism association in Ccotos, Asociación Incasamana, submitted a project proposal to provide funding for members to invest in the furniture and accessories they need for the newly constructed kitchens and bedrooms. Although the tourism industry is still on hold due to COVID-19, the members of the Association are working on improving their tourism services to provide visitors with comfortable accommodations once it is safe to do so. The Association decided to use a portion of project funding to buy tableware from the local artisan groups in Pucará. This will greatly help artisans who have experienced a severe decrease in income due to the crisis. It will also provide the tourism association with personalized and traditional ceramic tableware.
The community of Mallajasi began implementing an Oat Seed Purchase Project that provides beneficiaries with capital to invest in a large-scale oat seed purchase before the rainy season begins. The harvested oats are a nutrient rich food source for cattle that will lead to an increase in milk production and the oat hay can be sold for an additional profit. The increased income from this project is especially important this year to help farmers offset the effects of the economic crisis.

The first semester of scholarships were awarded to students in July and scholars have been meeting virtually to plan activities for the rest of the year. Normally, the students meet throughout the year to work on projects that address some of the challenges their communities face. This year, students decided to focus on providing health and financial information by participating in Pro-DIA’s weekly radio show. They will also help the artisan groups create a platform to sell their goods online and they hope to create a radio show to support education efforts in rural communities. The next newsletter will share more information on the scholarship program and provide an opportunity to donate before the end of the year.
None of this work would be possible without you. Thank you for empowering students, investing in communities’ economic development projects, and providing vital support to altiplano communities as they confront the challenges of COVID-19. Thank you for being a part of this work and demonstrating what the power of generosity can achieve.