Since 2007, The Chijnaya Foundation has responded to the pressing desire of rural families for access to higher education by offering scholarships to high school graduates to attend universities or technical institutes.

This year, thanks to the support of many generous donors like you, we are supporting 38 students with scholarships that will empower them to continue their studies in fields ranging from mechanics to medicine. At the same time they will carry out four different community projects for the continued benefit of their neighbors

In 2013, scholarship recipients organized a group called Musoq Riqchari, which is Quechua for New Dawn. The group meets throughout the year to share their experiences and use their fields of study to implement projects that help solve some of the challenges their home communities face. This group helps students give back to their communities, and also provides a space for them to practice self- governance. It also allows them to network with other students from nearby communities. This network is an important support for rural students who are often the first person in their family to pursue higher education. 

For a donation of $1,000 you can provide a scholarship for a student for one year. It is also possible to fund a scholarship for multiple years. You might also wish to establish a named scholarship as a way to pay tribute to a loved one’s memory or to create opportunities for students who are pursuing a specific field of study. Please reach out to me should you want more information.

We invite you to peruse The Chijnaya Foundation and Asociación Pro DIA’s “yearbook” of students to learn more about their diverse interests and areas of study. And don’t forget to stay tuned for more updates about their Musoq Riqchari projects this fall!

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