2019 Accomplishments



Economic Development

Cattle herders, artisans, tourism associations, and alpaca herders were able to invest a total of $149,111 from their community rotating loan fund to improve their income generating  activities in 2019. Learn more about how the communities invested their funds.

Water and Sanitation

Six water infrastructure projects were completed in partnership with Water Charity and The National Peace Corps association. Projects included potable water systems, sanitation facilities, and irrigation systems. Learn more about the specific projects.


Scholarships were provided to 48 students of different careers to pursue higher education in universities and technical institutes. Watch interviews with some of the 2019 scholars here.

Savings Program

Our partners at Pro DIA worked with 9 savings groups throughout the year and the groups saved a combined total of $49,468 in 2019.

Oral Health

Our partners at Pro DIA worked with 28 primary and secondary schools to provide 2,098 fluoride treatments to students. An additional 685 treatments (including cavity fillings, teeth extractions, prophylaxis, and fluoride treatments) were provided to community members in the network of communities.

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