Rotating Funds were used by associations from Occopampa (Amantaní Island) and Ccotos and Llachón (Capachica Peninsula) to install solar thermal showers for rural tourism and the Women Entrepreneurs Association of Escallani, also on Capachica, purchased two weaving machines to increase productivity and improve sales.
Rural farmers and herders continue to invest in infrastructure to protect their crops and animals, which are at risk due to the unpredictable weather exacerbated by climate change. Several communities– Ccotos, Lampayuni, Occosuyo, Escallani, and Orinojon– acquired water tanks and irrigation equipment for agricultural production and personal use. To improve dairy production, the Asociación de Productores Osequepa Limitani located in Alto Angará installed watering troughs, while herders in Qqepa and Nicasio constructed cattle shelters and calf sheds.
The Savings Groups, which have accumulated over 500,000 Soles (approximately $150,000 USD) since their inception, continue to improve their financial literacy for the goal of household stability and economic growth. During 2022, 206 members of the groups participated in training and workshop sessions conducted by Pro DIA Assistant Director, Rosmery Montesinos Mendoza. Based on the success of this program, three new groups have joined the network, bringing the current total to fourteen.