Jan 25, 2023 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
The Chijnaya Foundation Board of Directors announced today that Executive Director Kimmy Mazza will step down from the organization in early 2023. In her four years working with the Foundation, Kimmy helped establish and manage the Altiplano Water Program as a Program...
Dec 22, 2022 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
Looking to spread kindness this holiday season? Consider investing in these community-led efforts. As 2022 comes to an end, we send you heartfelt thanks for your generosity and commitment to the Quechua communities of the Peruvian altiplano. In this newsletter we...
Sep 13, 2022 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
**Este boletín esta disponbile en español abajo Acquisition of Milking Machines for the Community of Jallahua The community of Jallahua (Puno) that belongs to the Pro-DIA Network has been working with us since 2014 on rural development projects through the Rotating...
Aug 12, 2022 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
**Este boletín esta disponbile en español abajo 194th Anniversary of the Political Creation of the District of Pucara June is a month full of festivities and celebrations in the district of Pucara, including the commemoration of the district’s 194th anniversary of...
Jul 5, 2022 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
INVEST IN COMMUNITY PROJECTS AND WE WILL DOUBLE YOUR CONTRIBUTION Between July 1st-August 31st, all donations will be matched up to $82,000 Thank you for your support of projects that create viable futures for the people of the altiplano. This year alone your gifts...
Jul 1, 2022 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
**Este boletín esta disponbile en español abajo Various Livestock Fairs in the District of Pucara In order to stimulate the local economy in the district of Pucara, a series of Livestock Fairs were organized. These events are of the utmost importance since they allow...
Jun 28, 2022 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
Project Overview and Background This project is a collaboration between The Chijnaya Foundation, its Peruvian counterpart organization Pro-DIA, and Asociación Wichay. Asociación Wichay is an association of alpaca herders from 5 communities in the Puno region of Peru...
Jun 1, 2022 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
**Este boletín esta disponbile en español abajo Pro DIA Activities in the Bofedales Project During the month of April, as part of the planned ventures, the “Bofedales Restoration and Protection Project” began. This will be executed in different communities...
May 3, 2022 | Blog, The Chijnaya Foundation
Dear Friends of the Foundation, We want to thank you for your support of community-led projects in the Peruvian altiplano in 2021. Thanks to you, we received the full $20K matching grant towards the Scholarship Program and will be able to provide scholarships to 50...